Events | #gutlebendigital
Since March 2019 we present the results of #gutlebendigital online and at interactive events. Now it’s all about who has to do what to move towards these desirable futures: What further questions arise for the participants in their respective fields of activity? Which concrete projects with a potential broad impact still fit in with the visions of the future? Please let us know if you are interested in a joint event. These events took place already:
- On 15.3.2019 in Frankfurt am Main with Common Purpose.
- On 20.3.2019 at the Baden-Baden Entrepreneurs’ Talks.
- On 6.5.2019 at the International Stammtisch (English).
- On 20.5.2019 at the ChangeOpen event in Seeheim.
- On 14.8.2019 as part of the Robotics Action Week in the Central Library Frankfurt am Main.
- On 17.9.2019 at the Forum “Smart City” in Frankfurt am Main.
Events of the second dialogue phase
Prior to this, the interim results were presented for discussion in a second dialogue phase between May 2018 and March 2019: Is the description of the desirable future coherent, or are important aspects missing? Do the proposed indicators make sense and are they already being collected? Do the recommendations for action fit the vision of the future or are important points missing? Are there any other concrete projects that fit the vision of the future? These events are structured interactively and are oriented towards the 11 topics from the discourse on quality of life plus two additional fundamental topics. These events either took place:
- On 26.5.2018 at the MAKE Rhein-Main in the Tatcraft.
- On 29.5.2018 with the leadership of the social work of the German Red Cross.
- On 22.8.2018 at a closed convention of the Caritasverband Frankfurt.
- On 4.9.2018 an the Federal Ministry of Eductaion and Research in Berlin.
- On 5.9.2018 in the open meeting place in Königstein.
- On 13.9.2018 with the Inner Wheel Club Frankfurt Rhein-Main.
- On 22.10.2018 in “Haus am Dom” in Frankfurt with Ina Schmidt and Max Thinius.
- On 6.11.2018 at the Real Estate Innovation Summit in Frankfurt.
- On 8.11.2018 at the World Usability Day Frankfurt.
- On 22.1.2019 in Linz.
Events of the first phase
In the first, opening phase of #gutlebendigital, from September 2017 to March 2018, we conducted 12 events with larger groups in parallel to the individual interviews and the online survey. It was all about the same four questions:
- Where do you currently see the positive effects of digitalization on people’s quality of life?
- In which areas does digitalization not yet have the hoped-for influence on quality of life or even negative consequences?
- Please describe an ideal future from your point of view: where and how does digitalization have a positive effect on the quality of life?
- Who would have to do what to move us towards this ideal future?
At these interactive events, the participants were able to exchange ideas with each other and with the moderators and develop new ideas together. At the same time, we were able to make content from quality of life research visible. More than 500 answers were entered into the database of #gutlebendigital, almost half of all entries.
We would like to thank all participants and especially the organizers and hosts who opened their networks and their rooms for #gutlebendigital. In addressing potential hosts, the greatest possible diversity of groups and opinions was important to us – with a high level of professional competence in digitalization and/or quality of life. These 12 events took place in this order:
- With the network of entrepreneurs and scientists of delodi UG in Berlin on 9.10.2017.
- With students of the University of St. Gallen on 30.10.2017.
- With digital experts at the festival on 28.11.2017 in English (video).
- With software developers from the Frankfurt Developers network in Frankfurt am Main on 15.12.2017 in English.
- With the Digital Media Women Rhein-Main in KfW’s Digital Office in Frankfurt am Main on 24 January 2018.
- With personnel and philosophers in the Brainery in Hamburg on 14.2.2018.
- With employees of innovation laboratories in the skydeck of DB Systel in Frankfurt am Main on 21.2.2018.
- At the community meeting of “Les Enfants Terribles”, a school and initiative for good new work in Berlin on 24.2.2018.
- With organisational developers of the “step pro” network in Darmstadt on 28.2.2018 (invitation).
- With startups at the German Tech Entrepreneurship Center in Berlin on 8.3.2018 in English (blog entry).
- With the network of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) in Berlin on 16 March 2018.
- With international scholarship holders of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Würzburg on 22.3.2018.
In addition to the great professional diversity, we would also have liked to have achieved more geographical diversity, including in small towns and rural regions. Unfortunately, we have not found any partners for this.