Dialogue process | #gutlebendigital
Shaping digitalization to improve quality of life as much as possible
In two dialogue phases with events, individual interviews and an online participation option, visions, indicators and concrete projects for a good life in the digital age were derived for 11 topics. They should provide orientation for robust future decisions in politics, business, civil society and for each individual:Results are available summarized as a document and interactively available here:
1. I: The Individual
The people with their individual needs are the starting point for the shaping of digitalization.
2. Fundamentals
Digital technologies are used for more participation, openness and diversity – and coherent rules are set.
3. Work & Economy
Sensible interaction between human and machine extends freedom and saves resources.
4. Leisure, Arts & Culture
Digital technologies provide easier and more diverse access to culture and leisure activities.
5. Education
Across all age groups, competence in dealing with technology, with oneself and with other people increases.
6. Health
More and better data will facilitate a comprehensive understanding of health, prevention and treatment.
7. Environment
Digital technologies support the protection of natural resources through greater transparency and efficiency.
8. Transport & Mobility
Simpler, safer, faster, more environmentally friendly and interconnected mobility for people and goods.
9. Housing
(There have not yet been sufficient results for a comprehensive evaluation for this topic.)
10. Community
Digital and analogue possibilities allow more people access to and to participate in the community.
11. Security
Common action ensures people’s informational self-determination.
12. Politics & Administration
Digitalization strengthens democracy and improves societal decisions.
The dialogue process #gutlebendigital offers orientation for robust future decisions in politics, business, civil society and for each individual. Recommendations for action as well as concrete measures and projects were developed and made visible.
#gutlebendigital uses proven methods from futurology and organizational development to visualize and connect the collective intelligence of the participants: Appreciative Inquiry, Future Search, Futures Literacy Labs, but also studies and lectures. Study with description of the whole process (in German).
The two-year dialogue process involved citizens and specialists on quality of life and digitalization from civil society, science, politics, business, etc. Opinion leaders and actors with a variety of perspectives are connected to each other.
Digitalization discourse
Internet of Things
Artificial Intelligence
Augmented Reality
Social Networks
Visions –Indicators – Recomendations for action
The impact of digitalization on our quality of life
Various disciplines
Various sectors
Discourse on quality of life
#Need: Digitalization already has a considerable impact on people’s quality of life, democracy and the future viability of our societies. It raises new and old questions about self-determination, co-determination, participation, and security. So far, however, digitalization is still largely discussed without insights into the quality of life. At the same time, digitalization is only marginally part of the quality of life discourse. It is time to combine the two discourses in an open dialogue process.
#Host: Dialogue processes require a neutral and methodically competent coordination that can bring all actors together. Since 2009, the non-profit think tank Center for Societal Progress e.V. has been developing new ways and methods to improve people’s quality of life. We have led our own processes (e.g. Schöne Aussichten – Forum für Frankfurt and Zukunftsmodell Soziale Marktwirtschaft) and were actively involved in major federal government processes (Zukunftsdialog der Bundeskanzlerin and Gut leben in Deutschland).