2. Fundamentals
Digital technologies are used for more participation, openness, and diversity – and coherent rules are set
Desirable Future
In the future, the technical, human and legal prerequisites are sufficiently strengthened so that digitalization can promote the development and maturity of the individuals as well as their fruitful coexistence. The technical basis for this is reliable, fast, and low-threshold access to digitalization.
Digital technologies are used by individuals, companies, and policy makers to facilitate full participation and inclusion. A healthy balance is found between data protection and the added value of combining data. In order to keep the digital divide as small as possible, the needs of the disadvantaged are given special attention. All stakeholders are open to new ideas and experiments. Products, processes, and algorithms are as open as possible so that users can understand them and monopolies can be avoided.
Successful digitalization enables a high degree of diversity, thereby strengthening innovation and resilience. To this end, decentralized structures are in place, which increases the reliability of the overall system. Agreement on common rules, norms and standards facilitates communication and cooperation between different actors. [References to: 1. I: The Individual, 5. Education, 12. Politics & Administration]
Specific Projects
Prototype Fund for Open-Source
Funds open source projects for an open and free internet with BMBF grants.
Open Access
Scientific publications are freely available to the public.
Builds a decentralized cloud that belongs to and is operated by users.
Together against cyberbullying and for more respect on the net: Young people help young people.
Your Project Suggestion
Which projects with potentially broad impact fit the vision? Send us your suggestions.
Recommendations for Action
- Policy: Expand infrastructure.
- All: Promote diversity and alternatives.
- All: Prefer open solutions.
- All: Consider decentralized solutions more
Suitable Indicators
- Percentage of households using broadband access: DE 90.3% (2018; NL 97.3%)
- Digital technologies lead to [scale] 0 adaptation to 10 diversity in society: DE 5.4 (2019).
(Indicators on participation and openness are still lacking)