
Studies | #gutlebendigital

In addition to the results for the topics we have already published a study on the process of #gutlebendigital. There are also shorter texts of the team of #gutlebendigital here in the Blog. In-depth studies on individual topics are in progress.

An important basis for the process are our studies on quality of life topics and on dialogue processes:

At the interface of digitalization and quality of life, we have already identified several helpful books, studies, and projects. Among them are:

  • "The Most Human Human" by Brian Christian explores the question of what interaction with machines teaches us about our human selves.
  • "Digital vs. Human - how we'll live, love and think in the future" by Richard Watson deals with what we humans expect from us and the digital tools.
  • "Technology vs. Humanity" by Gerd Leonhard places human well-being at the centre of considerations and calls for a broad discussion on the future role of technologies.
  • "The Second Machine Age: How the next digital revolution will change all our lives" by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee contains a short chapter on quality of life measurement.